

Davanloo teaching in Pfäfers 1986
30 Apr., 2024

I got to know Doctor Davanloo and his way of working with the patients at a symposium in Montreal in 1984. This experience has profoundly changed my professional life as well as positively influenced my private life. And thousands of colleagues made the same experience as me.

Doctor Davanloo has given a new metapsychology to human neurosis and its therapy. For example he has detected, developed and demonstrated…

…     a systematic understanding of the degree, the complexity and the destructive consequences of the defenses in human life.

…     an instrument to assess the levels of anxiety triggered by life or by our interventions.

…     that the therapeutic process is conducted by the Unconscious Therapeutic Alliance between the healthy core of the patient and the therapist.

…     that the crystallization of the defenses in the transference is "the glory of the process". And he has given us the key to overcome it to unlock the conflictual feelings towards the early caregivers.

…     that exclusively the inner experience of early rage, love and consecutive guilt towards our parents helps us to find an inner peace with them, to let our suffering behind us and to reduce to a minimum the gap between what we do and what we could do.

Doctor Davanloo has dedicated his long professional life to let therapists and patients benefit to a maximum from his discoveries. To promote IS-TDP in Europe he has countless times crossed the Atlantic Ocean. And in 1984 he has helped us found the Swiss Society for IS-TDP under the lead of Joseph Auslaender.

After decades of training by Doctor Davanloo, after organizing many courses and symposia featured by him and after several blocs of personal therapy with him I say goodbye to him in sadness and deepest gratitude.

Rudolf Bleuler, M.D.

Former President of the Swiss Society for IS-TDP                       




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Handout zum Grundlagenkurs von Lothar Matter

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EINFÜHRUNG IN DIE „ISTDP - BASICS“ Metapsychologie nach Davanloo
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
Manuskript in progress - Version 1.4 vom 1.3.24

Die ISTDP ist eine moderne integrative Psychotherapiemethode, die auf guter empirischer Forschung beruht. Sie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten weiterentwickelt, und es besteht noch ein großes Potenzial hinsichtlich der Verbreitung dieser wirksamen Therapiemethode und der spezifischen Ausbildung von Therapeuten.

Alan R. Beeber: Davanloo’s new metapsychology to the unconscious: ISTDP, mobilization of the unconscious and total removal of the resistance

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Davanloo’s new metapsychology to the unconscious: ISTDP, mobilization of the unconscious and total removal of the resistance
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
Chapter 5 In: Psychotherapy ISBN: 978-1-63485-226-5 Editor: Dominic Brewer © 2016 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

This chapter addresses the development of the work of Habib Davanloo, M.D. from the early 1960’s to the present. His focus has been both on shortening the length of psychoanalytic therapies and expanding the base of patients treatable with his techniques. He, like others at the time, initially worked with highly motivated patients with a single therapeutic focus. Over the decades his clinical and clinical research base expanded to include patients with the highest complexity in their unconscious structure and the highest unconscious resistance. This includes the full spectrum of neurotic and characterologic disturbances, fragile character structure and complex cases of persistent, unresolved Transference Neurosis. His current clinical work, clinical research and education of therapists have major implications for the future of dynamic psychotherapy. His metapsychology is presented with attention to the issues of unconscious feelings, manifestations of unconscious anxiety and his unique perspective on the unconscious defensive structure. His methods of Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (DISTDP) with “unlocking the unconscious,” Mobilization of the Unconscious, and Total Removal of Resistance are described. The evidence base for short-term dynamic and DISTDP is briefly reviewed. Lastly, the focus of Davanloo’s current work is introduced, namely his concentration on Transference Neurosis. This topic is discussed further in the next chapter.