Widerstand (R)

IS-TDP Therapie ist nicht eine uniforme Therapie


Bei einer Person mit geringer Widerstand, die einen Verlust erlitten hat und noch keine Erfahrung mit Trauer gemacht hat, besteht die Behandlung beispielsweise darin, die Trauer einfach zu erleben. In dieser Bevölkerungsgruppe gibt es nur wenig Abwehrmechanismen, so dass man argumentieren könnte, dass es sich eigentlich nur um eine oder zwei emotionsorientierte Behandlungssitzungen handelt, um die Trauer zu erleben.
Bei anderen Bevölkerungsgruppen geht es zunächst um den Umgang mit dem syntonen Abwehrsystem. Bei anderen Bevölkerungsgruppen um den Aufbau von Ich-Kapazität und dann um die wiederholte Freisetzen des Unbewussten, um Konflikte und Verluste zu verarbeiten.

Allan Abbass MD

Alan R. Beeber: The perpetrator of the unconscious in Davanloo’s new metapsychology. Part III: Specifics in Davanloo's technique

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The perpetrator of the unconscious in Davanloo’s new metapsychology. Part III: Specifics in Davanloo's technique
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Int. J. Intens. Short-Term Dynamo. Psych other. 13. 177-189 (1999)

Beginning in the 1960's, Dr. Habib Davanloo began working to develop a highly-effective and efficient technique of dynamic psychotherapy.
This third part will will review the development of specific aspects of davanloo's technique of ISTDP as it relates to the perpetrator with particular reference to davanloo's published cases.

Alan R. Beeber: Davanloo’s new metapsychology to the unconscious: ISTDP, mobilization of the unconscious and total removal of the resistance

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Davanloo’s new metapsychology to the unconscious: ISTDP, mobilization of the unconscious and total removal of the resistance
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
Chapter 5 In: Psychotherapy ISBN: 978-1-63485-226-5 Editor: Dominic Brewer © 2016 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

This chapter addresses the development of the work of Habib Davanloo, M.D. from the early 1960’s to the present. His focus has been both on shortening the length of psychoanalytic therapies and expanding the base of patients treatable with his techniques. He, like others at the time, initially worked with highly motivated patients with a single therapeutic focus. Over the decades his clinical and clinical research base expanded to include patients with the highest complexity in their unconscious structure and the highest unconscious resistance. This includes the full spectrum of neurotic and characterologic disturbances, fragile character structure and complex cases of persistent, unresolved Transference Neurosis. His current clinical work, clinical research and education of therapists have major implications for the future of dynamic psychotherapy. His metapsychology is presented with attention to the issues of unconscious feelings, manifestations of unconscious anxiety and his unique perspective on the unconscious defensive structure. His methods of Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (DISTDP) with “unlocking the unconscious,” Mobilization of the Unconscious, and Total Removal of Resistance are described. The evidence base for short-term dynamic and DISTDP is briefly reviewed. Lastly, the focus of Davanloo’s current work is introduced, namely his concentration on Transference Neurosis. This topic is discussed further in the next chapter.

Das Therapieziel beabsichtigt im Wesentlichen,

den Patienten in der Übertragung mit seinen Widerständen vertraut zu machen, die Widerstände in der Übertragung zu kristallisieren und in die Enge zu treiben und im Unbewussten des Patienten den Willen und die Kraft zur Heilung zu stärken, sodass er sich selbst gegen seine Selbstdestruktion wenden will.