Englische Artikel and Dokumente

Direct diagnosis and management of emotional factors in chronic headache patients

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Direct diagnosis and management of emotional factors in chronic headache patients
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
© Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia

Somatization, anxiety, depression and personality disorders are common features of many patients with chronic headaches. Intensive short-term dynamic psycho- therapy (ISTDP) is a brief therapy method developed specifically to treat patients with this cluster of somatic problems, symptoms and maladaptive behaviours through focusing on how the patient handles emotional experiences. It also contains a direct method of assessing the somatic discharge pathways of both emotions and anxiety, thus allowing direct observation of somatization in the case of many chronic headache sufferers. In this review, we summarize the extant literature on emotional factors in headache, review the evidence for short-term dynamic therapies in somatic problems and describe the assessment and treat- ment method of ISTDP we use routinely with chronic headache sufferers.

Keywords / Schlagwörter

Alan R. Beeber: The perpetrator of the unconscious in Davanloo’s new metapsychology. Part III: Specifics in Davanloo's technique

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The perpetrator of the unconscious in Davanloo’s new metapsychology. Part III: Specifics in Davanloo's technique
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Int. J. Intens. Short-Term Dynamo. Psych other. 13. 177-189 (1999)

Beginning in the 1960's, Dr. Habib Davanloo began working to develop a highly-effective and efficient technique of dynamic psychotherapy.
This third part will will review the development of specific aspects of davanloo's technique of ISTDP as it relates to the perpetrator with particular reference to davanloo's published cases.

Alan R. Beeber: The perpetrator of the unconscious in Davanloo’s new metapsychology. Part II: Comparison of the perpetrator to classic psychoanalytic concepts

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The perpetrator of the unconscious in Davanloo’s new metapsychology. Part II: Comparison of the perpetrator to classic psychoanalytic concepts
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Int. J. Intens. Short-Term Dynamo. Psych other. 13. 159-176 (1999)

Beginning in the 1960's, Dr. Habib Davanloo began working to develop a highly-effective and efficient technique of dynamic psychotherapy.
This second part will focus on the comparison of the perpetrator of the unconscious to these classic psychoanalytic concepts.

Alan R. Beeber: Der Widerholungstäter des Unbewussten in Davanloos neuer Metapsychologie. Teil I: Rückblick auf klassische psychoanalytische Konzepte

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The perpetrator of the unconscious in Davanloo’s new metapsychology. Part I: Review of classic psychoanalytic concepts
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International Journal of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Int. J. Intens. Short-Term Dynamo. Psych other. 13. 151-157 (1999)

Dr. Habib Davanloo begann in den 1960er Jahren mit der Entwicklung einer hocheffektiven und effizienten Technik der dynamischen Psychotherapie.
Dieser erste Teil befasst sich mit einem kurzen Überblick über einige der Konzepte der psychoanalytischen Theorie, die für diese Diskussion von Bedeutung sind. Artikel in Englisch

Alan R. Beeber: Transference neurosis: contributions of habib davanloo

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Transference neurosis: contributions of habib davanloo
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
Chapter 6 - in: Psychotherapy ISBN: 978-1-63485-226-5 Editor: Dominic Brewer © 2016 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

This chapter is an integration of several presentations I have given over the past several years on Davanloo’s conceptualization of Transference Neurosis, from a metapsychological, clinical and technical point of view. The history of the development of the concept of Transference Neurosis is reviewed. Initially described by Freud as a “new edition of the old disease,” it was the hallmark of psychoanalytic therapy. It had been a tenet of psychoanalysis that by working through the Transference Neurosis, via interpretation, neurosis could be cured. 
Transference Neurosis is defined. Davanloo’s most recent work is summarized. It is his view that Transference Neurosis is a morbid process that adds a new, destructive defensive system on top of the Original Neurosis. Davanloo states that when DISTDP is practiced in an optimum fashion there is no development of Transference Neurosis. However, not every treatment is optimum. Unconscious factors, including Transference Neurosis/Neuroses in the unconscious of the therapist, can complicate therapy. 
Davanloo’s broader sense of Transference Neurosis is explicated. Clinical indications of the presence of a Transference Neurosis are reviewed and specific clinical types are described. The negative effect of Transference Neurosis on access to the Original Neurosis in the Unconscious is reviewed. Lastly, Davanloo’s method of removal of the Transference Neurosis is described, which relies heavily on his method of Multidimensional Unconscious Structural Change. Davanloo has pointed out the insidious nature of Transference Neurosis in the clinical situation and has shown that it is reversible. 
The theoretical concepts presented in this chapter including the terminology such as Mobilization of the Unconscious, Transference Component of the Resistance, Complex Transference Feeling, Unconscious Therapeutic Alliance, Central Dynamic Sequence, Perpetrator of the Unconscious, Fusion of Primitive Murderous Rage with Guilt and Sexuality, Intergenerational Destructive Competitive Transference Neurosis, Uplifting the Transference Neurosis, Unlocking the Unconscious, and others, are not mine. They were developed by Dr. Davanloo over more than fifty years of his systematic clinical research. My aim has been to integrate these concepts for my colleagues and to solidify my own understanding of them in the process. I wish to acknowledge the contribution that Dr. Davanloo has made to me personally and professionally, and to our field.

Alan R. Beeber: Davanloo’s new metapsychology to the unconscious: ISTDP, mobilization of the unconscious and total removal of the resistance

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Davanloo’s new metapsychology to the unconscious: ISTDP, mobilization of the unconscious and total removal of the resistance
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
Chapter 5 In: Psychotherapy ISBN: 978-1-63485-226-5 Editor: Dominic Brewer © 2016 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

This chapter addresses the development of the work of Habib Davanloo, M.D. from the early 1960’s to the present. His focus has been both on shortening the length of psychoanalytic therapies and expanding the base of patients treatable with his techniques. He, like others at the time, initially worked with highly motivated patients with a single therapeutic focus. Over the decades his clinical and clinical research base expanded to include patients with the highest complexity in their unconscious structure and the highest unconscious resistance. This includes the full spectrum of neurotic and characterologic disturbances, fragile character structure and complex cases of persistent, unresolved Transference Neurosis. His current clinical work, clinical research and education of therapists have major implications for the future of dynamic psychotherapy. His metapsychology is presented with attention to the issues of unconscious feelings, manifestations of unconscious anxiety and his unique perspective on the unconscious defensive structure. His methods of Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (DISTDP) with “unlocking the unconscious,” Mobilization of the Unconscious, and Total Removal of Resistance are described. The evidence base for short-term dynamic and DISTDP is briefly reviewed. Lastly, the focus of Davanloo’s current work is introduced, namely his concentration on Transference Neurosis. This topic is discussed further in the next chapter.

Abbass A, Nowoweiski D, and Arthey S.: Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy for Severe Behavioural Disorders: A Focus on Eating Disorders

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Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy for Severe Behavioural Disorders: A Focus on Eating Disorders
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
AD HOC Bulletin of Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Practice and Theory. 2013, 17(1): 5- 22

In this article we provide a detailed outline of a method to evaluate and treat patients with severe behavioural disorders such as eating disorders and addictions. After reviewing 3 major categories of clients with these disorders, we outline a treatment approach based on Davanloo's ISTDP for patients with fragile character structure. This new metapsychology elucidated through extensive case-based research can help the therapist explain and handle the common problems observed when these clients give up various behavioural mechanisms. If the upsurge in emotions is not understood and handled, adverse effects and high rates of drop out can ensue: on the other hand using the ISTDP framework, these events can be turned into therapeutic events accelerating growth and healing processes. A detailed approach to capacity building in patients with fragile character structure is provided as these cases are very common and challenging to treat. This review is particularly applicable to those working in day programs and hospital based programs for behaviour disordered clients.

Allan Abbass:The Emergence of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Treatment Resistant Patients: Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy

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The Emergence of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Treatment Resistant Patients: Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 44(2) 245–280, 2016 © 2016 The American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry

Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) was developed out of the need for relatively short psychodynamic psychotherapeutic treatment approaches to complex and resistant patient populations so common in public health systems. Based on extensive study of video recordings, Habib Davanloo discovered, and other researchers have validated, some important clinical ingredients that align the therapist with healthy aspects of the patient striving for resolution of chronic neurotic disorders and fragile character structure. In the case of character neurotic highly resistant patients, these approaches including "pressure," "clarification," "challenge to defenses," and "head on collision" can be used in a tailored and properly timed way to help the chronically suffering patient to overcome his or her own resistance and access core drivers of these pathologies. In this article the meta-psychological basis of ISTDP is reviewed and illustrated with an extended case vignette.

Jon Frederickson, MSW : Introduction to ISTDP

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Introduction to ISTDP
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
Our purpose: alleviating human suffering to build healthier communities. Our goal: people achieving their full potential through training, supervision, and intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy Our values: personal integrity, commitment to excellence, and compassion for self and others.

A. Abbass, D. Lovas & A. Purdy : Direct diagnosis and management of emotional factors in chronic headache patients

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Direct diagnosis and management of emotional factors in chronic headache patients
Autor des Artikels, Dokumentes
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2008

Somatization, anxiety, depression and personality disorders are common features of many patients with chronic headaches. Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a brief therapy method developed specifically to treat patients with this cluster of somatic problems, symptoms and maladaptive behaviours through focusing on how the patient handles emotional experiences. It also contains a direct method of assessing the somatic discharge pathways of both emotions and anxiety, thus allowing direct observation of somatization in the case of many chronic headache sufferers. In this review, we summarize the extant literature on emotional factors in headache, review the evidence for short-term dynamic therapies in somatic problems and describe the assessment and treatment method of ISTDP we use routinely with chronic headache sufferers.