Training in IS-TDP with Prof. Dr. med. Allan Abbass 2021

Apr 29
29. April 2021
01. May 2021
Short message about the event
Please note ongoing changes
Number of days
3 days training
Registration deadline
Course title
Treating Severe Fragile Patients in IS-TDP
Course content
Dr. Allan Abbass will review the metapsychology of the unconscious and technical details of Davanloo’s Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy as relates to patients with fragile character structure. Based on 40 years of video tape research the ISTDP treatment format has been adapted with specific technical modifications to first build psychic integration and structural capacity, leading to the development of healing forces of the unconscious therapeutic alliance leading to first breakthroughs and repeated unlocking of the unconscious. This workshop will examine with detail videotaped from actual treatment sessions with his patients to demonstrate aspects of these treatment phases
*** 15.0 Points - SGPP, SAPPM, FSP und SGAIM AtelierPsy&Psy
Legal notice
As a participant, I agree not to make any electronic (audio/video) recordings of patient conversations during the course sessions.