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English Articles and Papers
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RueBleuTalkV3.pdf Ruedi Bleuler : Twin-Factors of Resistance and Transference in major Mobilisation of the Unconscious and Intensive Short-Term-Dynamic Psychotherapy

These two examples underline the central importance of the unconscious therapeutic alliance in the overcoming of the resistances. This presentation is focussing on the question how to mobilize the unconscious therapeutic alliance against the forces of the resistances. Of course, this is a wide focus, and I will have to narrow it on a few issues.

2011 17
Deutsche Artikel und Dokumente
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GerGot_Einf_Wrzbg.pdf Gerda Gottwik : Einführung in Metapsychologie und Technik der Intensiven Psychodynamischen Kurzzeittherapie nach Davanloo Der vorliegende Aufsatz gibt eine grobe Übersicht über einige Aspekte der IS-TDP nach Davanloo  und dient als Einführung für eine Serie von Aufsätzen, die  sich dem speziellen Thema der technischen Interventionen „Druck, Herausforderung, Head-On Collision“ widmen. 2011 15
UrsSpo_HOC_Wrzbg.pdf Ursula Sporer : Head-on Collision mit dem Widerstand gegen emotionale Nähe in der Intensiven Psychodynamischen Kurzzeittherapie nach Davanloo In dem folgenden Artikel wird anhand eines Interview-Ausschnitts der Aufbau einer Head-on Collision mit dem Widerstand gegen emotionale Nähe dargestellt und metapsychologisch begründet. Das Transkript beinhaltet einen Ausschnitt aus einem Erstinterview, das 2007 im Rahmen eines „closed circuit“ live geführt und von Dr. Davanloo supervidiert wurde. 2011 28
JonFre_ISTDP_intro_de.pdf Jon Frederickson, MSW : Eine Einführung in Intensive dynamische Kurzpsychotherapie

Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Pierre-Alain Emmenegger

2012 109
Englische Artikel and Dokumente
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JonFred_Ego_a_superego.pdf Jon Frederickson, MSW : Separating Ego and Superego in a Recovering Drug Addict Hopefully this case illustrates an important principle. Although ISTDP is focused in the end on the breakthrough to unconscious emotions, our fragile patients require much preparatory work. Their ego adaptive capacities must be developed first so that they can bear the impact of their own emotions. But to mobilize the ego, we must first separate the ego and superego. 2012 13
AA_Impl_inED.pdf Allan Abbass, R. Tarzwell, S.G. Hann, I. Lenzer, S. Campbell, D. Maxwell : Implementing an Emotion-Focused Consultation Service to Examine Medically Unexplained Symptoms in the Emergency Department Providing an emotion-focused assessment service to explore emotional contributors to medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) is a culturally new concept within the traditional model of emergency medicine. We developed a multi-step approach to educate physicians and patients on how such a service might benefit them. Results: Patients re- ported high satisfaction with the service and more physicians referred greater numbers of patients. The institution supported the service, providing permanent funding, giving it an award and nominating it for a national quality award. 2012 2
Abbas_Somatization.pdf Allan Abbass, MD : Somatization - Diagnosing it sooner through emotion-focused interviewing

Practice recommendations
- Obvious anxiety in a patient with physical complaints should prompt an evaluation for somatization.
- Become familiar with the 4 patterns of somatization and their manifestations.
- Learn how to conduct an emotion-focused interview, which, when applied appropriately, will help rule somatization in or out.

2012 7
AA_ISTDP_Outcres.pdf Allan Abbass, MD, Joel Town, DClinPsych, and Ellen Driessen, MSc : ISTDP: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Outcome Research Habib Davanloo has spent his career developing and teaching methods to accelerate dynamic psychotherapy, including his technique of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP). Over the past 20 years, outcome studies using this treatment have been conducted and published. We per- formed a systematic review of the literature to obtain studies presenting ISTDP outcome data. We found 21 studies (10 controlled, and 11 uncontrolled) reporting the effects of ISTDP in patients with mood, anxiety, personality, and somatic disorders. 2012 5
JonFre_Coma.pdf Jon Frederickson, MSW : The Man Who Awoke from a Coma: Treatment of a Dissociative Patient To treat patients with low ego adaptive capacity Davanloo designed a treatment format known as the Graded technique (Davanloo 2000; Whittemore 1996). In this technique the therapist focuses on building the patient’s ego adaptive capacity (Ten Have de Labije 1999a, 1999b, 2001) and restructuring his pathway of unconscious anxiety discharge first before attempting any breakthrough into the unconscious. 2012 29
JonFre_ISTDP_intro_en.pdf Jon Frederickson, MSW : Introduction to ISTDP Our purpose: alleviating human suffering to build healthier communities. Our goal: people achieving their full potential through training, supervision, and intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy Our values: personal integrity, commitment to excellence, and compassion for self and others. 2012 13