Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich

Lesung von Prof. Dr. med. Allan Abbass

Veranstaltungen 2016
2 P - SGPP, SAPPM, FSP und SGAIM AtelierPsy&Psy

Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich

Lenggstrasse 31, 8008 Zürich, Hörsaal Z1 03
044 384 21 11
Titel der Fortbildung
Current evidence for Short-term Psychoynamic Psychotherapy with Videotape Illustration
Kurzbeschrieb zum Event
Developed since the 1950's short-term psychodynamic psychotherapies (STPP) are widely practiced and taught around the world.
STPP has been investigated with likley over 200 outcome studies and found to be effective with a broad range of patient groups. It meets Empirically Supported criteria on few diagnoses incluidng Personality Disorders and Major Depression. It has been repeatedly found in large studies and in meta-analyses to be equally effective as other bona fide treatments for a range of conditions. Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) was developed for resistant and complex patients common in public health clinics. ISTDP has been subjected to 40 outcome and process studies and yields large sustained effects that persist in follow-up. It also has been found to be highly cost effective in several outcome studies and it meets EST criteria for mixed personality disorders. Specific emotional and neurobiological processes are targeted in ISTDP and a few videotape vignettes will be used to illustrate this process.
Anmeldung notwendig direkt bei Frau Sonja Meyer via: Email:
ReferentIn / en
Prof. Dr. med. Allan Abbass Director, Department of Psychiatry, Halifax, Canada
unsere Literaturempfehlung
Abbass, Allan MD (2015) Reaching Through Resistance