Unlocking the Unconscious : Selected Papers of Habib Davanloo

Unlocking the Unconscious
Unlocking the unconscious
Hardcover edition
Anzahl Seiten
344 Seiten
Über dieses Buch

Book Description An indispensable account concerned with the development of a powerful and innovative technique for overcoming resistance and confronting problems of the unconscious. The author's Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy provides a body of theoretical, metapsychological and technical knowledge which can be used with extraordinary precision to mobilize unconscious mental processes in order to achieve therapeutic results. The clinical material presented in these papers illustrates how a single interview can offer a unique opportunity for the therapist and patient to have a direct view of the multifoci core of the patient's neurotic structure. Synopsis This collection of papers represents a valuable account of the development over several years of a powerful and innovative technique for overcoming resistance and confronting problems of the unconscious. The author offers a body of theoretical, metapsychological and technical knowledge which can be used with extraordinary precision to mobilize unconscious mental processes in order to achieve therapeutic results. The clinical material presented in these papers demonstrates how a single interview can provide a unique opportunity for both the therapist and patient to have a direct view of the core of the patient's neurotic structure, which is responsible for the patient's symptoms and character disturbances.

Autor des Buches
Habib Davanloo M.D.
Out of print,
antiquarian bookshop
John Wiley & Sons Ltd; Auflage: New edition (Oktober 1995)