Formation continue sur place en IS-TDP avec le Prof. Dr. med. Allan Abbass 2023

mai 01
01. mai 2023
02. mai 2023
Brève annonce sur l'événement
Bienvenue au prochain événement
Nombre de jours
2 jours de formation
Clôture des inscriptions
Trouble de stress post-traumatique (PTSD) : traitement efficace de l'esprit et du corps grâce à la psychothérapie dynamique intensive de courte durée
Contenu du cours

I will show how to assess and manage PTBS in Psychotherapy Sessions using IS-TDP

  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as an incapacitating condition the patient experiences after life threatening trauma. Often childhood adverse experiences and attachment trauma underpin and color the picture of PTSD. Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a broadly applicable relatively brief treatment method for the full spectrum of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder.
  • In this 2 day video-based immersion course we will review the metapsychology of this method, then will detail treatment of two cases with post traumatic stress disorder. One of these cases will have mainly muscle tension and anxiety without prominent dissociation and the other will have dissociative phenomena as a component of fragile character structure.
  • These two groups of patients are treated quite differently with the first group being able to directly access the emotions related to their traumatic experiences including their childhood attachment trauma. The second group requires various formats of capacity building so that the anxiety is well-tolerated and the emotions can be experienced in a way that is more beneficial and less distressing to the patient.

Both of these ISTDP methods can be used to augment traditional cognitive behavioral methods, enabling working with resistant patients and also patients who are experiencing such low anxiety tolerance that they cannot easily benefit from exposure-based methods.

Dépliant du programme
*** 7.0 Points *** SSPP, ASPPM, FSP et SGAIM AtelierPsy&Psy
Mention légale
En tant que participant, je m'engage à ne faire aucun enregistrement (audio/vidéo) des entretiens avec les patients pendant les heures de cours.